Tag Archives: Clothing

I have opinions about lululemon. Who doesn’t?




Waylon Lewis over at Elephant Journal posted this little write up about the much circulated lululemon spoof. The picture above is the spoof itself and you can visit the website to read more about each claim (click above to go to Elephant Journal and follow the link.)

It seems that everyone who has ever heard about lululemon has opinions, passionate opinions at that, about the yoga clothing / retail store and their products.  I am no different.  I will come right out and say that I do not own any lulu stuff.  Not a single piece.  I’ve heard that they are incredible, made from great fabrics and quite comfortable and I have seen more than enough people wearing it to class to convince me that they probably are.  I wouldn’t know, I will never know, because I refuse to buy yoga pants for $98+.

That’s a large part of my problem with lulu.  I find it incredibly interesting that this practice of yoga started out with folks who had nearly nothing because it needed nearly nothing!  You don’t have to buy expensive equipment (mats are optional and there is even a movement running right now that says mats are a hinderance,) you don’t need special shoes, you can do it anywhere, wearing anything (or nothing,) you can do it for an hour or a day or a minute.  It’s a practice of nothingness and muchness.  What it is not, however, is something only for the elite.  There is no reason on earth or any other planet that you need to spend an electric bill on freaking pants.

Also, what exactly is up with the butt thing?  Don’t get me wrong, we all like to have great asses.  Don’t lie, you know you do.  Guess where you can get one?  FROM DOING YOGA, even if you’re wearing $10 sweatpants or, better yet, your pajamas!  It will look awesome in any pair of pants – for free!  And really, if you’re walking into a yoga class and you’re worried about how your ass looks in the pants you’re wearing to “focus inwardly,” I think you might have gotten lost along the way – the singles club is around the corner.  If you want to wear pants out and about that make your butt look amazing (and I admit that I often do want to do that,) wear pants for that, but don’t call them yoga pants.  They aren’t yoga pants.  They are ass pants.

And one more thing: while I am not  prohibited from wearing any particular brand of pants I choose, there are many, many amazing yogis and yoginis who are because even the largest of lulu’s sizes don’t even come close to fitting.  If I would buy lulu, I would have to be in the largest size.  I am nowhere close to being the largest yogini out there.  That just isn’t right.  Why exclude? Why limit?  If we are all one, let us dress one, eh?

I may be given a pair of  lulu pants some day.  I might fall helplessly in love with them.  I might wear them every single day, but I won’t buy them.  Nope, I won’t, because it’s against my own manifesto which, in case you were wondering, doesn’t care  in the least how great your butt looks or how much it cost to make it look that way.